Bloom madness

I took a day off from development today.  But that doesn’t mean that I was away from the game;  just that I wasn’t working on the things which were actually on the task list for the milestone 10 build (I’m almost, almost through it, now;  only three major tasks left to complete). Instead, I spent…

What’s coming up with MT2

This screenshot is of an interesting-looking bug I caused today, which accidentally turned much of the game map (including absolutely all of the ocean) into mountains. Apologies for the recent lack of updates;  I’ve been beavering away at the next MT2 milestone build.  My plan had previously been to have two short milestones;  MS10 was…

MMORPG Tycoon 2 Milestone 9

Builds: Win32 build OSX build So it’s been just a little over two weeks since the Milestone 8 build, and I’m absolutely exhausted.  :) Milestone 9 is almost identical to milestone 8, except that it adds very (very) early support for saving and restoring game state.  And milestone 8 was almost identical to milestone 7…

An update on Milestone 9

Quick update post on the Milestone 9 build (which adds save/load functionality to what was in Milestone 8).  My plan was to have it finished today, but I don’t think I’m going to manage that;  it’s probably going to take an extra day or two. So far, the following things are being saved/loaded successfully: Map…

The first load

Very short post, today.  Since the Milestone 8 build, I’ve been working on adding save/load support to MMORPG Tycoon 2  (Most of the time actually went into GUI elements for naming save games and picking a game to load). The screenshot here is notable in that it’s the very first successful ‘load’ of saved game…