The first load

Screen Shot 2015-01-27 at 5.00.33 pmVery short post, today.  Since the Milestone 8 build, I’ve been working on adding save/load support to MMORPG Tycoon 2  (Most of the time actually went into GUI elements for naming save games and picking a game to load).

The screenshot here is notable in that it’s the very first successful ‘load’ of saved game data in MMORPG Tycoon 2.

Now, it isn’t working 100% correctly, yet.  The first obvious problem is that buildings, monsters, NPCs, and PCs aren’t yet being persisted at all.  All that’s being saved and loaded right now is the raw map.  But there’s a more interesting bug;  while we do have the terrain types being restored properly when loading a saved game, each terrain type is completely flat.  So a range of mountains appears just to be a very tall plateau, and a loaded map’s deserts don’t have dunes, etc.

I’ll probably be spending the rest of the day figuring out what’s gone wrong, and will then get working on getting everything else to come through the save/load process correctly.  I’m planning to have Milestone 9 (the “Save” milestone) completed by the end of this week, and then it’ll be on to implementing more game mechanics.