
A few minutes ago, I finally succeeded at getting stencil buffers to work in the VectorStorm engine.  (I’ll be pushing this, along with a few related changes, into the public repository later today) Ignoring the modified GUI which is visible here (which I’ll talk about more in a day or two), the important point to…

Vectorstorm goes zlib

Just as a quick note, I’ve finally gotten around to changing the license under which I offer the Vectorstorm engine code.  Previously, it was GPLv3.  Now it’s released under the terms of the zlib license, which is far more permissive.  Been meaning to do this for years, and only got around to it while I…

Stuff today

New exciting stuff today: Multiple render targets are now working in VectorStorm, and I’ve hooked up the glowing lines to render using it.  Basically, this means that instead of drawing everything into a single image and trying to apply the glow afterward, I can now render glowing objects into an entirely different buffer, and composite…

A day’s work

Been working quite busily today.  Here’s my list: Noticed, verified, and reported a bug in cgdb under OS X 10.8/Xcode 4.4.  (I’m the proud owner of the very first bug report on its new GitHub page).  (cgdb is a text-console-based debugger, and is how I usually prefer to debug my programs) Further work on SDL…

Retina, Part 2

I believe I’ve finished patching up SDL to work correctly with retina screens.  (That is, a single build works correctly on retina systems and also on non-retina systems).  I’ll be sending the patch to the fine SDL maintainers tomorrow, and we’ll see what issues they notice with it. I’ll also look at putting together an updated…