A site note

A quick extra note that I’ve just moved this site over to serving most of its content via Amazon’s Cloudfront service.  I’ve been using their S3 service for years to distribute the games I make and have been quite happy with that, so I figured it was time to take the plunge and get most…

I am a ninja

According to my colleagues at my new workplace, I am a ninja coder. This isn’t a term with which I was familiar, before.  And after doing a little research to find out exactly what it meant, I certainly would never have been so bold as to have applied that label to myself. But it’s incredibly…

The pleasures of git

Here’s a view of my development repository, with some of my commits from the last two days. In the image, the interesting bit is the set of lines and dots running up the middle (under the “Graph” heading).  Each dot is a group of changes I made.  Each colour represents a different branch of development.…

Update on Life

Just felt the need to post a little comment here.  Last week I switched jobs, moving out of the games industry for the first time in almost 15 years, and into a more mainstream programming job. I know that workmates from both the new and the old companies read this blog, so I have a…

On more development tools

I mentioned a few weeks back that I’ve switched to using Vim as my main editor, and couldn’t be happier.  A lot of that was due to my personal dislike for features which are becoming increasingly common and difficult to disable in popular IDEs, and which I can completely disable within Vim.  But to be…