Happy Birthday, Vim

So it’s Vim‘s twentieth birthday today.  Or yesterday, depending on where you stand vis-a-vis the international dateline.  (screenshot above is MacVim displaying a snippet of the current MMORPG Tycoon 2 codebase) For those with other backgrounds, vim is a free text editor.  It’s basically an improved version of vi, the original visual text editor.  (vi…

Back from FreePlay

Just got back from Freeplay.  I think my talk went relatively well;  had a painfully dry throat until some event organiser kindly brought me a bottle of water, and it took the audience a little while to warm up, but we eventually got there.  I got through all the topics I wanted to cover, and…

At FreePlay next weekend

For anybody in or near the Melbourne area, just a quick side-note that I’ll be speaking at FreePlay next weekend, discussing my favourite subject:  how code can affect player perceptions of a game.  There’ll be some re-covering of stuff from VGKnowHow, and a lot of new stuff as well.  My session goes from 14:45 –…

Server move complete

We’re now up and running on the new server.  I think that everything has been moved across successfully, but please let me know if you spot anything that’s not working the way that it used to be working.  (Yes, the ‘forum’ link is temporarily disabled.  Let me know if you notice any other broken links,…

Easily amused

This graphic is posted on a sign beside the lifts of the building where I park every day.  I don’t know why I find it so amusing, but I giggle a little every time I see it.  It’s probably my inner twelve year old, whom I (sadly) don’t really talk to very often any more.